Friday, April 11, 2014

Weddings and drawings

     My Assistant Thomas and his wife of one year will finally get their wedding present from me.
We all decided on a painting of the building where they were married with them in it though not dominant. I usually like to do some studies on the spot but the people who own the building were somehow uncomfortable with that, so I had to rely on my pictures as well as a pencil study I was able to do.

Speaking of pencil studies,  a friend contacted me about whether I did sanguine chalk drawings of the landscape since they had seen a study of a head on my website. Actually I used to do many of them but have not in recent years. I did finally find one to show them. It is done in red chalk and pencil but i think I want to go back to those kinds of drawing studies since it is more complete than just a pencil drawing as it gives you another value with which to work.

I had forgotten how much I liked this technique. I actually use this a lot when I do figure studies.